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AGM Report
Report of Annual General Meeting 2015
Minutes of meeting at bottom of page, click on link to read.
- The membership and match fees were agreed for the 2015/16 season.
Adults £75 membership and £10 match fee
U21s £30 membership and £5 match fee
- Memberships must be paid by end of August for eligibility to play for club.
- We have entered 6 teams for SAL this season but if we do not have sufficient paid up members we can withdraw a side and go forward with 5 or less.
- An existing member who introduces a completely new member will get the two memberships for £100 (£50 for each additional member)
- Youth section membership is £180 for the season.
- We welcome three new members to our Committee. David Laughton comes back to the Club with his son in the Youth section and will take care of discipline.
- Ivan Gladkow and Will Low join the Committee. They have both been involved with the club and their enthusiasm is welcome.
- The accounts were approved and the minutes of the meeting will be posted on the website
- This season we are already focussing on recruiting new members and developing our youth section.