Chairmans’s Review 2019
Chairman’s Review 2019
Overall a satisfactory year.
On the pitch
It was a slightly disappointing year on the pitch
Having dropped down to six teams we fulfilled our fixtures with only a little bit of manoeuvring but thanks to Clappers for this and all the managers and captains who helped with the overall effort and managed their teams so effectively. Although the results were disappointing there was a lot of fun and enjoyment had.
I always think we underperform as I always start the season with such high expectations.
The only thing we won came right at the end when our boys won the tournament in the Algarve and rather strangely I watched the games live streamed into my kitchen. Well done! Thanks to Jimbo and Clappers for organising this event and hopefully we will repeat in fiture years.er for
Also I would like to thank Ed Plaistow who has been our fixtures secretary for the last two seasons and is stepping down from this role and also from managing our 4s which he has done for a good few years. Lofty (Simon White) will be taking over both those roles for next season.
Our disciplinary record this season was ok and thanks are due to Steve Burchell for managing this all so well..
Off the pitch
We always set the subs and match fees with the aim of breaking even and we are probably going to fall short of that with a small deficit. However the good news is that we will be able just about going to break even Fingers crossed that means that at our forthcoming AGM we will be proposing that subscriptions and match fees stay the same for next season. Thanks are due to Darren Avey who has facilitated our introduction of SLATE successfully and to Len Freeman, our treasurer who keeps our accounts and us up to date with the finances.
The Bar. One of the things that makes us stand out amongst other clubs is our bar and hospitality. This is at the centre of our football club. Great thanks due to our President, Dodge and to Sharon and Val for their good work.
The other thing that makes us stand out is our up to date web site and facebook and our Meron Way. Thanks are due to Matt Haswell and Luke Newman for this and for all the match reports. Keep them coming and remember we do have a competition for the best contributor which Dave Golding won this year.
Events We have also had a number of successful events; quiz night, Christmas Jump off, World cup, Long Good Friday, Superbowl and our Awards night. Thanks to the organisers; Clappers, Sherbs Ryan, Iain Evans, Toddy and all the others. Daren Avey always helps out with a great BBQ 9aswell as SLATE, Stats and Last Man Standing.)
This year we resurrected the Tour with a great trip to Portugal – Albufeira in the Algarve where we won something. I was able to watch us winning the tournament Final on my computer in my kitchen as the games were live streamed. Amazing.
Our Vets have had a couple of games ,, one on LGF with OLD Westminster Citz Vets with the evergreen Jim Perrin organising a fine body of footballers and drinkers. Its always a good event!
The Youth Section is still going strong and Daniel Woollard has done a great job to achieve this. All the Managers have to work really hard with managing the teams matches and parents. The Hood really buzzes on a Sunday morning and we need to try and give the section more support.
We are indebted to Clappers for all our general organisation and Toddy for his administration and support. Apart from those who won awards (see Later) I am grateful to Iain Evans and Dave Golding for helping out when needed.
Summary and looking forward.
It is always a relief to get to the end of the season and to say we have survived. Not all Clubs and teams do this and we have more casualties in Amateur football with grounds under threat and clubs struggling for players and facilities.
But we have done more than survive we can look forward to another season of competitive SAL football and we will be celebrating our hundredth year in the SAL this summer (August 24th).
But what do we want you to do. If we are going to run six teams we need new members. So if you have enjoyed your season with Merton, it may be your first then get some of your friends down. Bring them to pre season training remember membership is £90 but if you introduce a new member its £100 for the two.
Have a good summer and see you in July!!!