Chairman’s Corner – 14.04.17
We don’t often have a clean sweep of defeats on a given weekend, but alas that is what transpired over the weekend. The results belied some good football though, and in particular the 6s enjoyed a very entertaining game against Bank of England. The result wasn’t quite what they wanted, but they can be proud of a very impressive season. Well done to the Youth as well, who enjoyed another strong Sunday.
This weekend we turn our attentions to the first of three bumper end-of-season events – Long Good Friday. On the go will be Youth games, a Vets game (11am) and a senior game against Raynes Park-based oppo (1pm). It’s a wonderful chance for everyone associated with the club – young, old and ‘medium’ – to integrate with each other, and it should be an entertaining afternoon. For those who aren’t playing, do make an effort to pop down and be a part of the festivities. And for those who are playing, please confirm as much either by commenting on the recent Facebook post or messaging Toddy.
Thereafter, we have the Merton World Cup on Saturday 13th May. This will be a six-a-side tournament, with 8 teams and a World Cup-style format with group games, semi finals and a final. It will be followed by a barbecue and drinks in the bar as always. Once again, please confirm your availability when asked to do so. For this event in particular, it will be important to have accurate numbers so as to plan it well.
And the third event, of course, is Awards night on Saturday 27th May. This will likely involve an inter-club friendly, a penalty shootout, the FA Cup Final, the awards themselves, and of course plenty of ‘festivities’ into the evening. Not one to be missed.
Finally, a quick word about discipline. We’ve really shifted in the right direction this year, and although there remains room for improvement, it is good to see the number of yellow and red cards having dropped considerably from last season. In particular, we’d like to say well done to the 5s and 6s, who amassed just three yellows each. Congrats to all, and let’s look to reduce this even further next season, and uphold the ‘Merton Way’.